Yes, you can use ftDuino as an extension to a TXT controller. You need an FT extender and some cabling to connect the two controllers. The FT extender can be bought here: https://gundermann-software.de/ft-extender/. Once connected you also need some extra driver stuff which can be downloaded here: https://github.com/elektrofuzzis/ftDuinoTX-T-
Kind regards,
Yes, you can use ftDuino as an extension to a TXT controller. You need an FT extender and some cabling to connect the two controllers. The FT extender can be bought here: https://gundermann-software.de/ft-extender/. Once connected you also need some extra driver stuff which can be downloaded here: https://github.com/elektrofuzzis/ftDuinoTX-T-
Kind regards,
Statistik: Verfasst von jocus — 02 Jan 2024, 09:52