RoboPro coding => TXT4.0
Probably you need:
to develop a driver in Python for the PN532
from adafruit_pn532.i2c import PN532_I2C
import nfc
import ndef
A suggestion for an experiment with PN532:
Be aware of the I2C clock stretching issues of the pn532, see the data sheet and adafruit
If the I2C bus supports clock stretching, you don't'need req=req_pin, irq=irq_pin,I was using a FT232H USB to I2C with GPIO ports for experimenting with the PN532.
Probably you need:
to develop a driver in Python for the PN532
from adafruit_pn532.i2c import PN532_I2C
import nfc
import ndef
A suggestion for an experiment with PN532:
Be aware of the I2C clock stretching issues of the pn532, see the data sheet and adafruit
If the I2C bus supports clock stretching, you don't'need req=req_pin, irq=irq_pin,
pn532 = PN532_I2C(i2c, debug=False, req=req_pin, irq=irq_pin, reset=reset_pin) ic, ver, rev, support = pn532.firmware_version print("Found PN532 with firmware version: {0}.{1}".format(ver, rev)) # Configure PN532 to communicate with MiFare cards pn532.SAM_configuration() print("Waiting for RFID/NFC card...") while True: # Check if a card is available to read uid = pn532.read_passive_target(timeout=0.5) print(".", end="") # Try again if no card is available. if uid is None: # print("No card found") continue print("Found card with UID 01:", [hex(i) for i in uid]) pn532.mifare_classic_read_block() pn532.mifare_classic_authenticate_block() pn532.ntag2xx_read_block() pn532.mifare_classic_get_value_block() print("found")
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